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"Dick and Jane" readers
Dick and Jane readers

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There are 12 comments for this item.

Posted by Duff at 3:37 pm (PST) on Sat January 18, 2025   
Speaking of precocious readers... When my daughter was in 4th grade, her class was asked to pick an adventure book from the library, read it, and report on it. She chose "The Odyssey" by Homer, to which her teacher said (and I'm not making this up), "The Odyssey? A book about a car? How is that an adventure book?" We took her out of that school the following year.
Posted by chrisbroz at 1:40 pm (PDT) on Sun July 24, 2016   
I was a precocious reader dad told me that in kindergarten they gave a reading test...I had no idea...and I was reading at a level several grades above the grade I was in at the time...ALWAYS loved this day, I'll read a matchbook (BTW, do they still make those things???) if there's no other reading material available...i tell waitresses to leave the menu at the table after they've taken the I'll have something to read. In parochial school it was John & Mary, 'steadda Dick & Jane...the first word in the book was ..."LOOK"..."LOOK...LOOK...Oh LOOK...LOOK, LOOK, LOOK" (guess ya hadda be really thik not to get the drift...LOOK)...I remember it as if it was just an hour ago...
Posted by Chuck Kopsho at 12:56 pm (PDT) on Sun July 24, 2016   
I got to a point when I didn't need those readers anymore. During my elementary school years, I was already a proficient reader. In the morning when we got our copy of the Los Angeles Times. Then I could whizz by reading the weather forecast and some of the front page stories.
Posted by CJ at 11:26 am (PDT) on Wed March 23, 2016   
If I'm not mistaken...the children of "hippies" had their own version.

See Dick? See Jane" Can you tell them apart? I can't.
See Dick smoke the pretty flowers?
Fly Dick! Fly!
Posted by paktype at 12:09 pm (PDT) on Mon March 21, 2016   
Made into a movie with Jane Fonda and George Segal in 1977.
Posted by chrisbroz at 4:30 pm (PDT) on Wed June 10, 2015   
In Parochial school it was John & Mary...still had Spot & Puff, though...I remember the first word on the first page..."Look"...then, "Oh Look" - followed on page 3 (or whatever page was next) by "Look, Look, Look".

CB in FL
Posted by CJ at 6:24 pm (PDT) on Wed May 13, 2015   
If I remember correctly the cat's name was Meow Meow.
Posted by DM Jors at 5:40 pm (PDT) on Mon September 30, 2013   
These books bored me to death! But for some reason I have a set of them?
Posted by SAHW at 5:41 pm (PDT) on Wed September 25, 2013   
"Dick and Jane" readers...

Father and Mother. None of the mom and dad thing.
Posted by GlenEllyn at 3:39 am (PDT) on Sun June 17, 2012   
I believe they also had a cat named Puff.
Posted by Bob Wilson Jr at 9:37 am (PDT) on Wed April 21, 2010   
Sally was their little sister and Spot was, of course, their dog.
Posted by Duff at 1:19 am (PDT) on Wed October 14, 2009   
"See Spot run. Run, run, run." That's about all I can remember.

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