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the Have a nice day smiley face ...the "Have a nice day" smiley face? the I Love NY logo ...the "I Love NY" logo?

1 member comment

2-letter state abbreviations ...2-letter state abbreviations?

7 member comments

24/7 television ...24/7 television?

4 member comments

9-1-1 emergency telephone service ...9-1-1 emergency telephone service?

2 member comments

Alaska and Hawaii became U.S. states ...Alaska and Hawaii became U.S. states?

1 member comment

all gas stations had mini-marts ...all gas stations had mini-marts?

6 member comments

alphabet-soup company names ...alphabet-soup company names?

3 member comments

the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ...the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

1 member comment

area codes and all-digit dialing ...area codes and all-digit dialing?

17 member comments

AstroTurf ...AstroTurf?

1 member comment

the audio tape cassette ...the audio tape cassette?

4 member comments

the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) ...the Automated Teller Machine (ATM)?

3 member comments

BankAmericard and MasterCharge ...BankAmericard and MasterCharge?

4 member comments

bicycle helmets ...bicycle helmets? the birth-control pill ...the birth-control pill?

1 member comment

blue M&Ms M&Ms? the bottled-water craze ...the bottled-water craze?

6 member comments

car seat belts seat belts?

2 member comments

the cell phone ...the cell phone?

11 member comments

child-proof caps ...child-proof caps? CNN and the 24-hour news cycle ...CNN and the 24-hour news cycle?

1 member comment

color television ...color television?

3 member comments

the compact audio disc ...the compact audio disc?

2 member comments

containerized shipping ...containerized shipping?

1 member comment

cordless power tools ...cordless power tools?

2 member comments

CorningWare ...CorningWare?

3 member comments

crème brûlée ...crème brûlée? diet sodas sodas?

2 member comments

Disneyland ...Disneyland?

3 member comments

disposable diapers ...disposable diapers? Domed sports stadiums ...Domed sports stadiums? elective cosmetic surgery went mainstream ...elective cosmetic surgery went mainstream?

1 member comment

email emoticons ...emoticons?

1 member comment

the Endangered Species Act ...the Endangered Species Act? the Environmental Protection Agency ...the Environmental Protection Agency?

1 member comment


1 member comment

factory air-conditioning in cars ...factory air-conditioning in cars?

3 member comments

the Fax machine ...the Fax machine?

1 member comment

fluoride was added to public water supplies ...fluoride was added to public water supplies?

2 member comments

frequent flyer programs ...frequent flyer programs? the Frisbee flying disc ...the Frisbee flying disc? frozen TV dinners ...frozen TV dinners?

4 member comments

Gatorade ...Gatorade?

4 member comments

The Global Positioning System (GPS) ...The Global Positioning System (GPS)?

10 member comments

graffiti ...graffiti?

2 member comments

Grandparents Day ...Grandparents Day?

2 member comments

helium-filled Mylar balloons ...helium-filled Mylar balloons?

2 member comments

Hello Kitty ...Hello Kitty?

1 member comment

the Helvetica typeface ...the Helvetica typeface? home kitchens needed range hoods ...home kitchens needed range hoods?

2 member comments

Home pregnancy tests ...Home pregnancy tests? hundreds of TV channels ...hundreds of TV channels?

5 member comments

IMAX films ...IMAX films? inline skates ...inline skates? the Interstate Highway System ...the Interstate Highway System?

4 member comments

jet lag ...jet lag?

1 member comment

Kmart, Target, and Wal-Mart stores ...Kmart, Target, and Wal-Mart stores?

6 member comments

lime-yellow fire engines ...lime-yellow fire engines?

4 member comments

luggage with wheels ...luggage with wheels?

2 member comments

Lycra / Spandex ...Lycra / Spandex?

1 member comment

mega malls ...mega malls?

1 member comment

microwave ovens, dishwashers, trash compactors, and garbage disposals ...microwave ovens, dishwashers, trash
compactors, and garbage disposals?

5 member comments

Modular telephone jacks ...Modular telephone jacks? MPAA film ratings ...MPAA film ratings?

4 member comments

National Public Radio (NPR) ...National Public Radio (NPR)? nationwide next-day package delivery next-day package delivery? nationwide overnight package delivery overnight package delivery?

1 member comment

noise pollution ...noise pollution? Nutrition Facts labels ...Nutrition Facts labels? the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ...the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?

2 member comments

office cubicles cubicles? One nation, under God ..."One nation, under God"?

5 member comments

Paper or plastic ..."Paper or plastic"?

2 member comments

paper towels ...paper towels?

1 member comment

permanent-press clothes ...permanent-press clothes? the personal computer ...the personal computer?

3 member comments

Plastic credit cards ...Plastic credit cards? the pocket calculator ...the pocket calculator?

3 member comments

Political Correctness ...Political Correctness?

5 member comments

pooper-scooper laws ...pooper-scooper laws?

1 member comment

Post-It notes ...Post-It notes?

2 member comments

Presidents' Day ...Presidents' Day?

2 member comments

Ramada Inn and Holiday Inn national motel chains ...Ramada Inn and Holiday Inn national motel chains? RFID tags ...RFID tags?

1 member comment

Right Turn on Red ...Right Turn on Red?

2 member comments

Saran Wrap ...Saran Wrap? self-cleaning ovens ...self-cleaning ovens?

2 member comments

Seven-segment numeric displays ...Seven-segment numeric displays? skateboards ...skateboards?

2 member comments

snowboarding ...snowboarding? soft contact lenses ...soft contact lenses?

1 member comment

SPF ratings for sunscreen ...SPF ratings for sunscreen?

1 member comment

Starbucks ...Starbucks?

1 member comment

symbolic laundry instructions ...symbolic laundry instructions? Tastes like chicken ..."Tastes like chicken"?

Contributed by ozarkbob
2 member comments

Teflon-coated cookware ...Teflon-coated cookware? the telephone answering machine ...the telephone answering machine? toll-free phone numbers ...toll-free phone numbers?

1 member comment

the TV remote control ...the TV remote control?

5 member comments

TV-style commercials at the movies ...TV-style commercials at the movies?

3 member comments

the Uniform Monday Holiday Act ...the Uniform Monday Holiday Act?

1 member comment

the UPC bar code ...the UPC bar code?

5 member comments

Vegans ...Vegans? Velcro ...Velcro? the Video Cassette Recorder ...the Video Cassette Recorder?

6 member comments

Wall warts ...Wall warts?

1 member comment

WD-40 ...WD-40? Widespread peanut allergies ...Widespread peanut allergies?

3 member comments

Women's Lib ...Women's Lib? the ZIP code ...the ZIP code?

4 member comments

zipper-sealable plastic bags ...zipper-sealable plastic bags?

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