Member Profile

Redding, California

Items contributed by This Member
Item nameGalleryStatus
Sputnik Space HelmetToys & Games

Comments Posted by This Member
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1978) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery)
AYDS appetite suppressant candy (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery)
Campfire Girls (in 'Life' gallery)
Chickenman radio series (in 'TV / Radio' gallery)
DDT-infused wallpaper (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery)
Doctor Who (in 'TV / Radio' gallery)
Fizzies (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery)
Gilbert chemistry sets (in 'Toys & Games' gallery)
Gilbert chemistry sets (in 'Toys & Games' gallery)
Granny Goose potato chips (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery)
Granny Goose potato chips (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery)
Less than $1.00 for a movie, popcorn and soda (in 'At the Movies' gallery)
MASH (1970) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery)
MSG (monosodium glutamate) (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery)
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom (in 'TV / Radio' gallery)
Super Ball (in 'Toys & Games' gallery)
The Magic 8-Ball (in 'Toys & Games' gallery)
Vac-U-Form (in 'Toys & Games' gallery)
'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery (general comment)
'Toys & Games' gallery (general comment)